DoxBox trustbot 2018-2023

DoxBox trustbot 2018-2023

Digital installation and performance.

A person wearing a pink mask, with a pink wig, white googly eyes, and wearing a pink kimono and one white glove. Beside them is DoxBox trustbot, an artificial intelligence who lives in a pink box and has an animated face.
DoxBox trustbot 2019. Photo by Andrea Capello.
On a stage, a person dressed in pink, including a pink mask and pink wig, walking a pink robot with smiling face on a pink dog lead.
DoxBox trustbot at the ODI Summit, 2019. Photo by Paul Clarke.

A series of unique, one-to-one performances with an AI puppet who investigates the data on your smartphone.

DoxBox trustbot was researched and produced during my residency at The Open Data Institute in London, 2018-2019. Commissioned by ODI Data as Culture and produced as part of an ODI R&D project exploring data trust and sharing, funded by Innovate UK. The portable digital puppet/tech drag unit interviews users about the apps, services and digital providers they interact with, reveals what these providers know about their users, then tells the user stories about what the effects of this may be and provides recommendations regarding their level of trustworthiness, relating to the individual themselves and to other people who may be more or less impacted by the same use or misuse of the data that accumulates around their digital life.

Performed at (among others) Camden Peoples’ Theatre, London, 2023, Furtherfield’s Future Fair in Finsbury Park, London, in August 2019 and at the ODI’s Annual Summit in November 2019. Talk and sharing at BOM’s Art & Tech Social in February 2020. In the ODI’s Copy That? Surplus Data in an Age of Repetitive Duplication group exhibition in London from 5 February 2020. From summer 2021 DoxBox returned to live in ODI’s new building at King’s Cross in London, finally leaving in late 2023 after a performance at London Data Week.

Gold cover of the exhibition catalogue for Copy That? The names of the artists are listed, and the face of DoxBox is peeping through a circular hole.
Copy That? Exhibition Catalogue

After a hiatus that occurred for obvious pandemic reasons, DoxBox trustbot appeared at Electric Dreams Festival of Online Storytelling every weekend through July and August 2020, at an ODI symposium in September, and then again at the ODI Annual Summit in November 2020.

DoxBox has also participated in a pilot study at King’s College London (KCL) on cybersecurity and the impact of interactive art works on peoples’ understanding of the data in their lives. This makes DoxBox, as far as I know, the only digital artwork to be scientifically proven to change people’s minds and make them feel better informed about the subject of the work, i.e. our unhealthy transactional relationships with tech companies.

Most recently (image below) it was on live again at the Open Data Institute for London Data Week 2023, this time in front of a live audience! A sometimes awkward, sometimes educational, and always funny experience.

Two people dressed in pink, with pink balaclavas and pink wigs, operating hot pink and gold electronics in front of a gold curtain.
A CAPTCHA "I'm not a robot" screen with four pictures of kittens.
Icons showing a person spraying graffiti on a wall, surrounded by rubbish, and a person urinating on some grass. In the top right corner a cute face looks bemused.
A cute face in the middle of two rainbow-coloured circles, against a pink background.
An error message with a cute face that has red cheeks and burning eyes. Text (in English and Japanese): Trust level down! X401, third party trust violation.
DoxBox trustbot at Furtherfield Future Fair 2019, photo by Andrea Capello for The Open Data Institute.
DoxBox trustbot at Furtherfield Future Fair 2019, photo by Andrea Capello for The Open Data Institute.
DoxBox trustbot at Furtherfield Future Fair 2019, photo by Julia Szalewicz for Furtherfield.
DoxBox trustbot at ODI Summit, London 2019. Photos by Paul Clarke.
DoxBox trustbot at ODI Summit, London 2019. Photos by Paul Clarke.